(effective March 8, 1994)
(revised 1999, 2002, 2007, 2017)
A. This organization shall be known as the Superannuated Teachers of Saskatchewan (STS) Regina Chapter (STS Regina Chapter, STS Regina, Regina Chapter).
A. Within the general framework of the provincial STS, the STS Regina Chapter shall define its own objectives and set its own agenda.
A. To encourage all superannuated teachers in Regina and vicinity to become actively involved, insofar as their situation permits, in STS Regina Chapter affairs by:
1. acquiring membership
2. attending meetings
3. participating in programs
4. attending social events
5. participating in recreational activities
6. accepting nomination for Executive positions and serving on committees
B. To provide moral support for superannuates and spouses suffering serious illness or bereavement.
C. To recognize achievements of superannuates and/or significant milestones in their lives.
D. To encourage superannuates to maintain an active interest in community and public affairs: local, provincial and national.
E. To respond by resolution or other written submission to proposed actions of governments affecting education and seniors’ welfare.
F. To inform superannuates of the role of the provincial STS in maintaining benefits which they enjoy, and to inform the provincial STS of any concerns that come to the attention of the Regina Chapter Executive.
G. To encourage members to maintain a continuing and supportive interest in education.
A. Membership is determined by eligibility and payment of the annual fee.
B. Full Membership shall be granted to:
1. any superannuated teacher who has received or is receiving an allowance or pension under The Saskatchewan Teachers Superannuation and Disability Benefits Act or the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Retirement Plan.
2. any surviving spouse of a teacher or of a superannuated teacher receiving an allowance or pension under The Saskatchewan Teachers Superannuation and Disability Benefits Act or the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Retirement Plan.
3. any superannuated teacher, or the surviving spouse of a superannuated teacher, receiving a pension under a teachers’ or university superannuation plan or act.
4. any superannuated teacher, or the surviving spouse of a superannuated teacher, receiving a pension under a pension plan or Superannuation Act covering members of the Canadian or Saskatchewan Public Service.
5. any retired STF staff member, or the surviving spouse of a retired STF staff member, receiving a retirement allowance from the STF Staff Pension Plan.
6. any teacher, or the surviving spouse of a teacher, who takes the commuted value of a pension from the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Retirement Plan or the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Superannuation Plan.
C. Associate Membership may be granted to:
1. a spouse of a member.
2. a teacher who has left teaching, but has not met the requirements for superannuation eligibility.
D. Honorary Life Memberships
Chapter members who are Honorary Life Members of the provincial STS are not required to pay the annual fee.
A. The Executive shall consist of the following:
1. Past President
2. Officers elected at the Annual General Meeting:
a. President
b. Vice-President
c. Secretary
d. Treasurer
3. Chairpersons of Committees elected at the Annual General Meeting:
a. Communications
b. Membership
c. Outreach
d. Program
e. Recreation
f. Resolutions
g. Social
4. Members-at-Large (up to 5) elected at the Annual General Meeting
5. Specialized Roles
a. the President shall appoint members to specialized roles and such appointments shall be affirmed at the next Assembly.
b. specialized roles may include Archivist, Choir Director, Photographer, Social Media Moderator, Tour Coordinator, Visitation Coordinator, Webmaster.
6. Chapter members elected to the provincial STS Executive
A. Amendments to the constitution may be made at any Assembly or the Annual General Meeting, provided notice of motion was given at a previous Assembly.
B. Amendments to the constitution must be passed by a two-thirds majority of the members present.
A. The dissolution of the STS Regina Chapter shall occur by a meeting of the Regina Chapter Executive following:
1. full consultation with the provincial STS Executive and the Regina Chapter membership.
2. and as directed by a vote of the Regina Chapter membership at the Annual General Meeting.
B. The Executive shall:
1. Honour or resolve financial commitments; and
2. Disperse remaining assets as directed by those in attendance at the Annual General Meeting. Options for dispersal of remaining assets include:
a. Donate to the provincial STS;
b. Donate to one or more education-related charities; or
c. Act on a combination of options a and b.
(STS Regina Chapter, STS Regina, Regina Chapter)
(effective March 8, 1994)
(revised 1999, 2002, 2007, 2017)
1.1 Membership fees, as set by the provincial STS Annual General Meeting, and when authorized by the Superannuate, shall be deducted by the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Superannuation Commission or the Saskatchewan Teachers Retirement Plan. Where deduction at source is not authorized, the membership fees shall be forwarded to the Treasurer of the STS Regina Chapter or directly to the provincial STS by June 30.
1.2 All individuals who qualify under Section IV B of the Constitution, STS Regina Chapter, shall be granted membership upon paying the current membership dues.
1.3 All individuals who qualify under Section IV C of the Constitution, STS Regina Chapter, shall be granted associate member status upon paying the current associate membership dues.
1.4 All individuals who qualify under Section IV D of the Constitution, STS Regina Chapter, shall be granted membership without payment of membership dues.
2.1 Take responsibility for conducting the ordinary business of the Regina Chapter and for meeting Regina Chapter aims.
2.2 Approve in May, the dates and times of Assemblies and other annual events.
2.3 Approve a regular meeting place and the use of other locations as the program may require.
2.4 Prior to the first event (August), inform all members and current year potential members of upcoming events through the Regina Chapter Annual Newsletter.
2.5 Approve a budget for the fiscal year, July 1 to June 30.
2.6 Recommend at the Annual General Meeting, an auditor or reviewer to review and prepare a report on the accuracy of STS Regina Chapter books at the end of each fiscal year.
2.7 Recruit nominees for the Regina Chapter and provincial STS Executive positions.
2.8 Fill any vacant office or role as needed by appointment. These appointments shall serve to the end of the term of office.
2.9 Select candidates for STS Honorary Life Memberships and select Regina Chapter Award of Merit recipients.
2.10 Act on urgent matters not covered in the constitution and inform the membership at the next Assembly.
2.11 Approve mandates for Ad Hoc Committees.
2.12 Authorize signing authority effective for the next fiscal year at the last Executive meeting of the year.
2.13 Ensure the privacy of Regina Chapter members by safeguarding member information and using it for authorized STS Regina Chapter purposes only.
2.14 Submit bills to the Treasurer for role-related costs in a timely way and at least by fiscal year end.
3.1 The President shall:
a. be, ex officio, a member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
b. be the official spokesperson for the STS Regina Chapter.
c. preside at all Regina Chapter meetings and take general supervision of all work pertaining thereto.
d. be supervisor of voting in meetings other than for election of the Executive.
e. provide general supervision of Regina Chapter activities and projects.
f. attend to correspondence.
g. act as a signing authority for the Regina Chapter and work with the Treasurer to prepare the annual budget.
i. appoint Ad Hoc Committees for Executive approved mandates.
j. submit to the provincial STS at least one month prior to the provincial STS Annual General Meeting, a written report of Regina Chapter activities.
k. submit names of the required number of delegates to the provincial STS Annual General Meeting as required by the provincial STS.
l. appoint members to fill positions such as Archivist, Choir Director, Photographer, Tour Coordinator(s), Social Media Moderator, Visitation Coordinator, and Webmaster.
m. chair the Awards and Recognition Committee.
n. prepare with the program chairperson, a schedule setting out places, dates and times of meetings and social events, including the programs planned for each occasion.
o. be responsible for keeping copies of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Regina Chapter with all amendments thereto.
p. coordinate consistent communication to membership.
3.2 The Past President or designate shall:
a. chair the Nominating Committee.
b. present a slate of candidates for Executive positions at the Regina Chapter’s Annual General Meeting.
c. supervise the voting for election of the Executive.
3.3 The Vice-President or designate shall:
a. assist the President in whatever capacity as requested.
b. assume the duties of President in the President’s absence.
c. coordinate the Christmas Dinner.
3.4 The Secretary shall:
a. prepare and distribute the agendas and minutes of all Executive meetings, Assemblies and the Annual General Meeting.
b. record the minutes of all Executive meetings, Assemblies, and the Annual General Meeting.
c. conduct correspondence for the STS Regina Chapter as requested by the President.
d. submit to the provincial STS office, a list of the Regina Chapter’s Executive: President, Secretary and Treasurer, with addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses.
e. submit copies of the agendas and signed copies of the minutes with any important correspondence to the Saskatchewan Archives on a yearly basis.
f. place copies of the agendas, minutes and membership list with any important correspondence into the STS Regina Chapter archives on a yearly basis.
3.6 The Treasurer shall:
a. receive, collect and bank all monies of the STS Regina Chapter and disburse the same as directed by motion of the membership or the Executive.
b. pay all operational expenses covered by the budget. Expenses over $500.00 not in the budget shall be presented to the Executive for approval before payment.
c. work with the President to prepare the annual budget and present the finalized budget to the Executive for approval and then to the September Assembly for adoption.
d. arrange for an audit or financial review on an annual basis as directed by the Executive.
e. present the audit or financial review at the September Assembly.
f. present a financial statement periodically throughout the year.
g. act as a signing authority for the STS Regina Chapter.
h. ensure the Executive annually appoints another Executive member with signing authority in addition to the Treasurer and President.
i. submit the per capita fees to the provincial STS.
3.7 The Committee Chairpersons shall:
a. carry out the requirements of their offices.
b. add members to their committees as required.
c. assume responsibilities as directed by the President or Executive.
d. report to the President before or to the Executive at each regular Executive meeting, and to membership at Assemblies and the Annual General Meeting as needed.
3.8 The Members-at-Large shall:
a. assist, serve or chair standing committees as required, for example, support the Social Committee, fill unexpected or planned short term vacancies, prepare to assume a Committee Chair position in a subsequent year.
b. assume responsibilities as directed by the President or Executive, for example, chair or organize the 25 year retiree recognition, advocacy initiatives or professional development opportunities or chair Ad Hoc Committees.
3.9 Specialized Roles shall:
a. be appointed by the President and affirmed by the membership at the next Assembly.
b. perform the special duties to which they are appointed and perform other responsibilities as requested by the Executive or President.
c. report to the President before or to the Executive at each regular Executive meeting, and to the membership at Assemblies or the Annual General Meeting as needed.
4. COMMITTEES (See also Bylaws 2 and 3.7)
4.1 Executive Committee shall:
a. be chaired by the President and include the Past President, the Vice- President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Chairperson of the Program Committee.
b. meet at the call of the President when prompt decisions on procedural matters are required.
4.2 Ad Hoc Committees shall:
a. be appointed by the President for approved mandates.
b. carry out the mandate to which they have been appointed.
4.3 Awards and Recognition Committee shall:
a. be chaired by the President.
b. accept and review nominations for STS Honorary Life Membership, Regina Chapter Award of Merit and other relevant awards.
c. recommend such nominees to the appropriate bodies.
d. arrange for a suitable presentation of the Award of Merit at the Annual General Meeting.
e. work with the Membership Chairperson to identify those eligible for the 25 years of retirement recognition.
f. coordinate the 25 years of retirement celebration with assistance as required.
4.4 Communications Committees
a. The Communications Coordinating Committee shall consist of the Communication Chairperson, Member Outreach Chairperson, Social Media Moderator, Visitation Coordinator, and Webmaster. The Communications Committee shall consist of the Communication Chairperson and communication assistants.
b. The Communications Coordinating Committee shall:
1) work with the President to ensure consistent and clear messages to the membership.
2) ensure timely distribution to or current posting of messages for members.
c. The Communications Committee shall:
1) prepare for distribution and distribute to all members by mail or email in August, the Regina Chapter Annual Newsletter.
2) request and receive information, create and distribute announcements monthly or as needed to the members by their preferred means of receiving communication: email or telephone.
3) recruit emailing and phoning team members who will contact assigned members in advance of each Assembly and the Annual General Meeting.
4) may identify to the Communications Chairperson, members who would appreciate conversation.
5) ensure the privacy of Chapter members by safeguarding the information and using it for authorized Regina Chapter purposes only.
d. The Communication Chairperson shall:
1) recruit, organize, and instruct e-mailing and phoning teams.
2) be responsible for the appropriate distribution and authorized use of membership contact information.
3) be responsible for recognizing volunteer contributions annually.
4) communicate to the Visitation Coordinator, those members who appreciate conversation and may as requested by the Visitation Coordinator, arrange conversation phoners for those members.
4.5 Member Outreach Committee shall:
a. consist of the Member Outreach Chairperson, Visitation Coordinator and additional members as required.
b. be responsible for appropriate action when a member suffers serious illness or bereavement.
c. be responsible for appropriate action when a member celebrates a significant achievement, award or birthday milestone.
d. work in consultation with the Membership Chairperson regarding address changes and member deaths.
4.6 Membership Committee
a. The Membership Committee shall consist of the Membership Chairperson and as needed Communication Chairperson, Member Outreach Chairperson and Social Chairperson.
b. All those receiving or working with membership information shall ensure the privacy of Regina Chapter members by safeguarding the information and using it for authorized purposes only.
c. The Membership Chairperson shall:
1) maintain a Membership List updated as received from the provincial STS office, of STS Regina Chapter members. This includes: new members, change of addresses and phone numbers, name changes and deceased members.
2) update “Fees Paid, “Deceased Members” and “Members List” documents.
3) twice a year, as the list from the provincial STS office is received, compare that document with the Regina Chapter Membership List and make any changes to Regina Chapter records.
4) notify the provincial STS office of changes received from and about members, including deaths of members.
5) in late August/early September, print copies of the new Membership List for the Archivist for filing and for designated Executive members: President, Past-President, Vice President and Chairpersons of Communication, Member Outreach and Social Committees, and to other Executive members if deemed necessary by the President or the Executive.
6) identify to the President by the September Executive meeting, those eligible for recognition of 25 years of retirement.
4.7 Program Committee shall:
a. consist of the Program Chairperson, President, and such additional members as required.
c. be responsible for arranging programs for Assemblies, the Annual General Meeting, Out to Lunch with the Bunch, and the Christmas Dinner.
c. ensure that the physical setting and materials required for a particular program are in place.
d. arrange for the purchase and presentation of honoraria or gifts when these have been authorized (ex., Award of Merit, door prizes).
e. work with the Vice President to arrange the program at the Christmas dinner.
4.8 Recreation Committee shall:
a. consist of the Recreation Chairperson, representatives from league activities such as bowling, bridge, curling, golf, mah jongg and additional members as required.
b. determine what recreational activities the members desire, and act in accordance with their wishes.
c. promote to members, provincial STS related/sponsored recreation activities.
4.9 Resolutions Committee shall:
a. consist of the Resolutions Chairperson and additional members as required.
b. solicit and receive resolutions from the membership, assist in the formulation of resolutions and compile and present them to the membership for consideration.
c. solicit and receive resolutions from Chapter Committees, assist in the formulation of resolutions, compile and present resolutions to the Executive for consideration
d. initiate and recommend resolutions to the Executive for consideration
e. compile and present Executive-approved resolutions to the membership for consideration
f. forward approved resolutions to the appropriate bodies.
4.10 Social Committee shall:
a. consist of the Social Chairperson, a designated Member at Large and additional members as required.
b. arrange for refreshments and provide snacks at Assemblies.
c. coordinate potluck lunches including at the Annual General Meeting.
d. arrange for a catered meal at the Volunteer Appreciation Lunch.
5. SPECIALIZED ROLES (See also Bylaws 2. and 3.9)
5.1 The Archivist shall:
a. maintain archival records: audio to be deleted, electronic, pictorial and print.
b. retain a record of the history of the STS Regina Chapter including membership list as of 1 September, Assembly programs and speakers, local and provincial executive members, Award of Merit winners, provincial honorary life members from the Regina Chapter, provincial sponsorships, tours, and any other pertinent information about the Regina Chapter.
c. retain current paper and functional electronic copies of the STS Regina Chapter Constitution, Bylaws and Policy.
5.2 The Photographer shall:
a. take pictures of as many STS Regina activities as possible, such as the Annual General Meeting, assemblies, banquets, tournaments and tours.
b. try to arrange for someone else to take pictures if the photographer is unable to attend a Regina Chapter event. The replacement photographer should submit pictures to the photographer for inclusion in the Regina Chapter’s photo albums.
c. make every effort to identify the people (especially STS Regina members) in the photos and have the names included on the photos.
d. maintain photo albums of the Award of Merit recipients, the Regina Chapter STS Honorary Life Members, and other photos.
e. if requested, supply photos in a manner respecting member’s privacy to the Webmaster for posting on the STS Regina Chapter website.
5.3 The Social Media Moderator shall:
a. monitor membership and maintain a closed community.
b. monitor posts to foster communication among STS Regina Chapter members and to meet STS Regina Chapter Aims.
c. coordinate with the President to ensure the information on social media is current, clear and consistent with Regina Chapter Aims.
5.4 Tour Coordinator shall:
a. determine tour(s), and book tours and transportation. The coordinator may plan overnight tours as well as day tours, ”in-province”, national and international tours responding to opportunities and suggestions.
b. plan a minimum of one excursion per year.
c. provide the Treasurer with a reconciliation of payments and expenses. All costs shall be absorbed by the participants unless approval for subsidization is obtained from the Executive.
d. provide the Photographer with a list of participants and pictures taken during the excursion.
5.5 Visitations Coordinator shall:
a. receive information from the Communications Chairperson, Member Outreach Chairperson, and others about members desiring conversation.
b. connect visitors/phoners with members desiring conversation.
5.6 Webmaster shall:
a. obtain and maintain the domain name for the STS Regina Chapter website.
b. obtain and maintain a host for the website.
c. design, create and maintain the website.
d. work with the President to ensure the information on the website is current, clear and consistent with Regina Chapter Aims.
e. update the information published to the website as follows:
1) following Executive meetings, update information as required.
2) update with information from various other committees as requested.
3) update with appropriate information obtained from other parties. The Webmaster may seek approval from the Executive before adding information from other parties.
6.1 Fiscal Year
The fiscal year shall be from July 1 to June 30.
6.2 Signing Authority
a. Signing authority for the STS Regina Chapter shall consist of the Treasurer, President and one other individual holding one of the following positions: Vice-President, Secretary, or Program Chairperson.
b. The three individuals shall be authorized effective July 1 by the Executive annually at the last Executive meeting of the fiscal year.
6.3 Review of Financial Records
a. The Executive shall choose a person(s) at arm’s length from the Executive to review the financial records of the previous year.
b. The Treasurer shall ensure that the reviewer has the financial records in the summer in time to be completed prior to the first event of the next fiscal year.
c. The members by motion at an Assembly or the Annual General Meeting may request an audit.
6.4 Budget
The Treasurer together with the President, shall prepare a budget that is presented to the Executive for approval for presentation to the September Assembly.
6.1 A quorum at Executive meetings shall be a majority of the Executive members.
6.2 A quorum at the Annual General Meeting or an Assembly shall consist of the members in attendance.
7.1 Meetings/Assemblies
a. There shall be at least 4 Assemblies and a Christmas Banquet/Social between September 1 and April 30.
b. The STS Regina Chapter Annual General Meeting shall be held in May.
c. Executive meetings shall be held at least four times a year.
7.2 Executive Meetings:
a. Executive meetings shall be called by the President, or in the absence of the President, by the Vice-President. An Executive meeting may be called immediately following the Annual General Meeting.
b. Notice of an emergent Executive meeting shall be given not less than forty-eight hours before the date of such meeting.
7.3 Assemblies:
a. Assemblies will be held on the dates established by the Executive and set out in the schedule of STS Regina Chapter Assemblies and the Annual General Meeting.
b. Assembly reminders will be by telephone or e-mail as well as on the website.
c. A proposed resolution including proposals for Regina Chapter resolutions to be submitted provincially, first should be submitted to the Regina Chapter Resolutions Committee.
d. Visitors may attend Assemblies and social functions and may be introduced.
7.4 Annual General Meeting:
a. Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given in the same manner as Assemblies.
b. A proposed resolution should be submitted to the Regina Chapter Resolutions Committee.
c. Election of Executive shall take place at the Annual General Meeting.
7.5 Voting:
a. Voting for elections shall be by secret ballot.
b. Voting at all meetings for purposes other than elections shall be by show of hands by members or ballots will be provided on request.
8.1 Nominations
a. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members, chaired by a Past President or a designate.
b. The Nominating Committee shall present a slate that names at least one candidate for each office or declare a vacancy.
c. Nominations from the floor also shall be accepted.
d. Unsuccessful candidates for one office may choose to be a candidate for another office.
8.2 Elections (See also Bylaw 7.5):
a. Officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
b. The Nominating Committee shall outline the procedure for voting and provide ballots as required during elections.
c. The term of office of all persons elected shall commence July 1 following their election.
d. The term of office for Executive members shall be one year.
e. The retiring President shall become the Past President.
The transfer of books and records for the outgoing officers shall be completed no later than June 30.
10.1 Amendments to the bylaws may be made at any Assembly or at the Annual General Meeting, provided notice of motion was given at a previous Assembly.
10.2 Amendments to the bylaws must be passed by a two-thirds majority of the members present.