(2018, 2019)
Amendments to these policies may be made by a majority vote
of the Regina Chapter Executive.
Policies are organized alphabetically by title within three general themes:
Membership: 2
Associate Membership 2
Award of Merit 2
Delegates to STS AGM 3
Facebook 3
Superannuate Recognition:
New Superannuates and Twenty-Five Year Superannuates 4
STS Regina Chapter PD 4
Visitations 5
Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon 5
Operations: 6
Advocacy 6
Communication 6
Inventory 7
Member Outreach, 7
Protocol 8
Record Keeping 8
Website Operations 9
Website Privacy 9
Finances: 10
Annual Review 10
Budget 10
Donations: Charitable and Scholarships 11
Honoraria 11
Refunds: Meals and Tours 12
Regina Chapter Promotion 12
Reserves 12
Volunteer Awards (External) 13
Policy Name: Associate Membership
Associate members include teachers who have left teaching but are not eligible to superannuate, STS members who pay their fees to another STS Chapter and spouses/partners of members.
1. Associate membership fees shall be the same amount as the Regina Chapter is reimbursed by the STS per member per year.
2. Associate members will receive the annual newsletter and monthly announcements, and may participate in programs and activities at member rates.
3. Associate members may not:
i) vote at Regina Chapter Assemblies or Annual General Meeting,
ii) hold an Executive position, or
iii) represent the Regina Chapter as a delegate at the provincial STS meetings.
Policy Name: Award of Merit
A change to the Constitution in 1997 enabled the Regina Chapter to arrange for awards to be conferred by the Chapter in addition to arranging for the nomination of candidates for the Provincial Honorary Life Memberships. The first Award of Merit was presented in 1998.
Purpose: The Award of Merit is to honour Chapter members who have made a substantial contribution to the STS Regina Chapter.
1. Criteria: Nominees will be Chapter members who have rendered service to the Chapter and promoted the goals and activities of the Superannuated Teachers of Saskatchewan.
2. Nominations: The Awards and Recognition Committee (President, Vice-President and Past-President) shall receive or initiate or both, nominations for the Award of Merit. Written nominations including information about the person being nominated shall be submitted to the President by March 1.
3. Selection: One or two awards may be conferred each year. The Committee shall review nominations and recommend to the Chapter Executive the individual(s) who are considered deserving of receiving the Award of Merit.
4. Communication: Those affirmed by the Executive shall be identified on the website, social media and monthly announcements prior to and following the award presentation.
5. Presentation: The awards shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting in May. In special circumstances, other arrangements for presentation may be made. Recipients will receive a gift of their choosing within the allocated budget. (2018: $200.00)
6. History: The Chapter shall maintain a permanent record of Award of Merit recipients and STS Honorary Life Membership Regina Chapter recipients, with information about the recipients kept in the Chapter Archives.
Policy Name Delegates to STS AGM
An STS AGM delegate is a member of the Regina Chapter who attends the provincial STS Annual General Meeting (AGM) with the right and responsibility to vote on resolutions.
Members interested in or active in STS or STS Regina Chapter affairs will most effectively represent the Regina Chapter.
1. Members will be canvassed for potential delegates to attend the STS AGM.
2. From this list, the Executive Committee will finalize the assignment of delegates. Priority will be given to Executive members, then members who are active in or are being encouraged to become active in STS or Regina Chapter affairs.
3. Delegates are expected to attend and participate in a Regina Chapter discussion of the resolutions to the STS AGM at a designated time and place.
4. Delegates are expected to take into consideration the collective interests of the Regina Chapter and its members as well as new information received at the AGM when voting on resolutions.
5. Delegates are expected to attend all sessions at the STS AGM and to provide feedback in a timely way as requested by the person designated to do so.
6. Delegates will be paid a set amount for personal expenses incurred during the STS AGM. This amount is established by the Executive. (2018: $30.00)
7. Delegates are encouraged to carpool. Delegates taking their cars will receive a per kilometre amount as established by the provincial STS policy based upon three passengers per car.
Policy Name: Facebook
STS Regina Chapter Facebook offers an additional form of communication with and among Regina Chapter members, and helps the Chapter maintain relevance to its members.
1. The moderator will enrol Regina Chapter members and ensure participants are members.
2. The moderator will ensure that content meets the Regina Chapter Aims.
3. The Regina Chapter Facebook may be used to advertise Regina Chapter opportunities and activities.
Policy Name: Superannuate Recognition
A. New Superannuates
A new superannuate is a teacher who has been superannuated less than one year.
New superannuates are a vital addition to the STS Regina Chapter membership in order to maintain the diversity of the organization and its relevancy to its members.
1. Each year the Membership Chairperson will acquire by June a list of new superannuates from Regina Public, Regina Catholic and Prairie Valley School Divisions and copy the list to the Communications Chairperson.
2. The Communications Committee members will contact new superannuates to acquire their personal email addresses and to give them an invitation to attend Out to Lunch with the Bunch (OTLWTB), Assemblies and other Regina Chapter activities.
3. New superannuates attending OTLWTB will be introduced and presented an STS pin.
B. Twenty-five Year Superannuates
This event honours superannuates of 25 years who are members of the Regina Chapter.
1. The Regina Chapter president shall appoint a Member at Large to head a committee of volunteers to plan a suitable recognition at a fall assembly.
2. The plans shall be approved by the Regina Chapter Executive prior to the event.
Policy Name: STS Regina Chapter PD
Formerly titled ‘Lifelong Learning,’ this program name was changed by a May 2016 motion to ‘PD’ to avoid confusion with the University of Regina Lifelong Learning Program.
This program is meant to provide in-depth learning opportunities for STS Regina Chapter members.
1. An annual allocation shall be budgeted for STS Regina Chapter PD.
2. Membership will be polled to ascertain their PD wishes/needs for the current year.
3. A permanent record of PD activities shall be maintained in the Chapter Archives.
Policy Name: Visitations
Conversation or socialization can reduce the isolation of less mobile members thus increasing their sense of connection and improve their well being.
1. The Visitation Committee will:
a. Create a list of members who would benefit from visitation.
b. Create another list of members willing to provide a form of visitation.
c. Facilitate matching members from each list.
d. Encourage members to self-identify and seek out such members through word of mouth, invitations by monthly phoners, in monthly Chapter announcements and by direct appeals at assemblies.
Policy Name: Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon
Each year, the STS Regina Chapter has a luncheon to recognize the volunteers who help the organization operate.
1. The Regina Chapter president shall appoint a Member at Large to head a committee of volunteers to plan a luncheon to take place at end of May/early June for this occasion.
2. The plans shall be approved by the Regina Chapter Executive prior to the event.
3. Each Committee Chairperson submits the names of volunteers to the Communications chairperson who invites them to the luncheon.
4. The President invites the guests identified by the Executive including Regina Board head facilities operator and STF Regina office administrative assistant.
Policy Name: Advocacy
Regina Chapter can exert influence on community, education, the public, seniors’ and STS affairs and can enhance superannuated teachers’ and others’ understanding of issues. Advocacy initiatives are most effective when the message and process are consistent, respectful and collectively supported.
1. Members, the Regina Chapter Executive, STS, and STF identify issues of concern relevant to the STS Regina Chapter.
2. Members advocate as individuals and collectively through STS Regina Chapter to address issues that meet the Regina Chapter Aims.
3. The Chapter shall promote member knowledge of STF, STS and Regina Chapter identified issues and facilitate member engagement in addressing these issues.
4. The Regina Chapter shall maintain an Advocacy Committee, chaired by an Executive member. The Advocacy Committee shall:
a) consider matters related to the Regina Chapter Aims, identify issues and make recommendations to the Executive,
b) consider requests made by the STS and STF on issues related to the Regina Chapter Aims and make recommendations to the Executive, and
c) as approved by the Executive, provide learning opportunities that help members to acknowledge issues and advocate for change.
Policy Name: Communication
Communication is critical to create a sense of community; develop informed members; engage members in advocacy, learning and group activities; and to support member socialization and health. Members access information electronically, in print and by word of mouth.
1. Membership is informed through two formats: a fall newsletter and monthly announcements.
2. Content is selected based on relevance to the STS Regina Chapter Aims, education and seniors.
3. Content is submitted by committee chairs, by the president and by members.
4. Content for the fall newsletter is submitted to the president.
5. Content for the announcements is submitted to the communications chairperson.
6. Requests for the use of the STS newsletter or announcements by commercial enterprises must be approved by the Executive.
Policy Name Inventory
Tracking items provides a list of inventory thus avoiding duplicate purchases and storing items that are not our property.
1. Annually, prior to the fiscal year end, the Social Committee Chairperson will verify and update the inventory.
2. The updated list will be kept by the Treasurer and by the Social Committee Chairperson.
3. A copy of the inventory will be kept in the storage room with the items.
Policy Name: Membership Outreach
Members of the STS Regina Chapter reach out to colleagues in time of need and celebration.
1. The Outreach Coordinator shall for the current year, identify members’ obituaries, illnesses and notices of special celebrations.
2. The Outreach Coordinator shall for the current year, identify members’ immediate family members’ obituaries for the purpose of communicating with members or their families.
3. At the beginning of each new fiscal year, any previous year’s documentation will be shredded.
4. The Outreach Coordinator sends cards to members or members’ families as appropriate and reports to the Executive and to the Assembly.
5. To maintain updated membership lists, at each Executive Meeting, the Outreach Coordinator will report the names of deceased and unwell members since the last report to Membership, Communications and Visitations Chairpersons.
Policy Name: Protocol
Attention to protocol helps promote awareness and respectful relationships among our members and within our larger community.
1. At Assemblies, the Chapter AGM, Out to Lunch with the Bunch, the Christmas social, and other formal Regina Chapter events, we recognize the history of our rights and responsibilities to our land and its indigenous people by acknowledging that we are on Treaty Four land.
2. At Assemblies and the Chapter AGM, we recognize our dedication to our country by singing our national anthem.
3. At the Chapter AGM, Out to Lunch with the Bunch, the Christmas social and Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon, we recognize our diverse cultures, ethnic groups and religious beliefs by using invocations: greetings, blessings and prayers, that are not specific to any one religion.
Policy Name: Record Keeping
Records maintain the history of Regina Chapter events and activities, ensure prior motions are available to executive members and ensure the constitution and bylaws are up to date.
1. The secretary shall arrange with Saskatchewan Archives to accept and store Regina Chapter Executive and Assembly minutes and Treasurer’s reports at the end of each fiscal year.
2. As required by Saskatchewan Archives, the President shall renew the agreement by choosing the options: “Donor makes an unqualified transfer,” and “Return of records to donor”.
3. The archivist shall keep a record of STS Regina Chapter PD, and other Regina Chapter events and activities.
4. The archivist shall keep in the Chapter Archives, a record of Award of Merit and STS Honorary Life Memberships with information about the recipients.
5. The archivist shall initiate accurate changes to the Chapter history book on a regular basis.
6. The secretary shall maintain a separate record of significant motions.
7. Committee chairpersons shall maintain a record of committee activities.
Policy Name: Website Operation and Management
The Chapter website is a public form of communication with Regina Chapter members and others.
1. The web master who is appointed by the Executive is responsible for the creation and maintenance of the website.
2. The web master posts information including that regarding education-related volunteer opportunities and STS provincial reports.
3. The web master, in consultation with the Executive, maintains links to external organizations.
4. The web master may post on the website, information that may have an impact on STS members, the education community and the general population.
5. The Executive must approve requests for any advertising or communicating on the STS website by commercial enterprises.
Policy Name: Website Privacy
Members, including those in leadership roles, have a right to personal privacy. Some roles require member access.
1. Names of members serving on the Executive will be listed on the website. Their addresses and phone numbers will not be published on the web site unless an Executive Member’s position or duties requires contact from the general membership. In these cases, these Executive Members shall provide a phone number or email address to be published on the website.
2. The web master must acquire an individual’s permission before the name of the member and the phone number or picture appear together on the website.
3. Exception: Chapter events may be reported on the website. Names and photos of an individual may be included in the report, such as honourees at the 25th year superannuation celebration, Award of Merit recipients and recreation event winners.
4. Photos of participants in activities such as recreation or tours may be posted without names; members may inform the web master through the appropriate executive member that they do not want their name and/or photo included. Members may also remove themselves from the location of the group or other photos.
Policy Name: Annual Review
It has been the practice to have the financial records of the Regina Chapter reviewed by a non-executive person who may or may not be a member.
1. Each year after the financial records have been finalized at the end of the fiscal year (June 30), the Treasurer shall arrange a financial review or audit to be completed no later than the first event of the new fiscal year.
2. A person who is not on the Regina Chapter Executive will examine the records to confirm that they follow accepted accounting practices and that there are no unexplained anomalies.
3. An honorarium budgeted annually, shall be provided for the services of a voluntary financial reviewer.
Policy Name: Budget
Budgeting expenses ensures planning for the upcoming year and offers members transparency of and accessibility to financial information.
1. Present a balanced budget for annual recurring expenses and planned special events.
2. Every five years, review the appropriateness of the honoraria amounts.
3. If a deficit budget is proposed, the budget document should show transfers from other Chapter assets.
4. The Executive may authorize a non-budgeted item requiring up to $500.
5. If a non-budgeted item requires $500 or more and is approved by the Executive, the motion will then be presented to the next Assembly. Assembly approval is required for the expense to occur.
6. If a budgeted item requires $500 or more than the budgeted amount, the expense will first be presented at an executive meeting. Following a successful Executive motion, the motion will then be presented to the next Assembly. Assembly approval is required for the expense to occur.
7. Printing at the STF Regina office is at cost and is preferred.
Policy Name: Donations: Charity and Scholarships
Policy regarding charitable donations ensures predictable and reasonable costs and consistency in gift giving based on pre-determined criteria. Donations provide collective support to educational and humanitarian causes and recognition of services to Regina Chapter.
1. Donations include scholarships, gifts and honoraria.
2. Up to 20% of Regina Chapter’s income from member fees may be used.
3. Donations and potential donations will be included in the annual budget and thus will be reviewed annually.
4. The treasurer will request a report from a recipient on how a donation is used when no public annual report is available and no report has been received.
5. As determined by the Executive, $400 may be used as a humanitarian gift.
6. Each year the Regina Chapter budget may include the following:
a) Scholarship for a 3rd year student in the Faculty of Education, University of Regina,
b) Scholarship for a 2nd year student in Saskatchewan Polytech who is in a program regarding early childhood.
Policy Name: Honoraria
Honoraria are given following events and at the end of each fiscal year to certain individuals providing services to the Regina Chapter.
1. The treasurer will provide honoraria to be given to program entertainers and presenters.
2. Before the end of the fiscal year (June 30), the treasurer will provide the following honoraria:
a) STF Office Administrative Assistant for photocopying newsletter and other documents such as minutes throughout the year,
b) Head Facility Operator, Regina Public Schools for preparing the Ron Mitchell room for assemblies ,
c) Regina Public Schools for use of facilities including the provision of coffee/tea/water plus flowers to reception or the meeting scheduler or both .
Policy Name: Refunds
Criteria provide consistency when a refund is requested.
1. Meals
a) When a member cannot attend:
i) the meal is transferable to another member or guest, or
ii) at least one week prior to the event, all monies will be refunded.
b) Tickets should be clearly marked “non-refundable after insert specific date”.
c) The event organizer will manage refund requests.
2. Tours
a) The tour company will determine deposits, payments, transferability and refunds.
Policy Name: Regina Chapter Promotion
Promotion of STS and the Regina Chapter builds member awareness and appreciation of their collective contributions, and builds community awareness of the organization.
1. STS Regina Chapter banner informs people of our presence.
2. Memorabilia such as fridge magnets inform members of the Chapter website.
3. Gifts of STS pins welcome new members and signify membership in the STS.
4. Name tags facilitate mingling at group activities. The Regina Chapter will provide name tags for executive members. Any member may purchase a name tag through the Executive.
Policy Name: Reserves
The STS Regina Chapter should reserve funds for unpredictable costs.
A budgeted reserve provides stability and enables the organization to meet expenses.
1. The Regina Chapter will maintain a reserve of 30% of annual income. Policy Name: Volunteer Awards (External)
Purpose: To support a Regina Chapter member nominated for an external volunteer award such as Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism (SSM) senior volunteer awards, Regina Chapter may support member representation at the award presentation.
1. To support member attendance at an award presentation, up to $500.00 is available each year in which one or more Regina Chapter member(s) is nominated for a volunteer award:
a. The Regina Chapter shall cover ticket costs for:
i) formal representation from the Executive, President or designate and guest,
ii) a member who nominates another member.
b. Members who attend the award presentation may apply to the Treasurer for subsidization of up to 60% of the ticket cost on a first come, first paid basis.